Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hi Ho Hi Ho Off to work I go....

Three weeks of summer left and I plan to be super productive in the home stretch. I have been re energized regarding my work. I had two big disappointments earlier in the summer and it left me in a bit of a funk. But I read Donald Miller's "A Million Miles in a Thousand Days" and I went on vacation. The book helped me think about every day events a little differently. Also, anytime I go on vacation I can guarantee when I come back I will have a dozen voicemails with referrals, even if I haven't had any for a month. Also, I had some new inquiries about the support group I'm leading. So...all geared up and ready to work.

Friends and acquaintances frequently ask me "Don't you find it depressing to listen to other people's problems." And the answer is always "No." Actually, I feel privileged to see what they may never let others see and to walk through their joys and sorrows with them. I have one client who has been seeing me off and on for ten years, what an honor to get know her, to watch her grow and make positive changes. Most of my clients don't hang around for that long so I don't get to see their full arc, their story develop quite so much. Still, a lot can happen in three months, or three weeks or sometimes just an hour.

In other news Robert's braces may be off next week. Also next week he is begnning violin lessons. (His Gigi is soooo happy!) Ethan is 22 months and throws these amazing tantrums where he flings his body to the floor and screams "Not Nice" which could either be describing his own behavior or mine. Then he stops very calmly and looks around to make sure we see him, when he catches our eye he starts again full throttle. It is a little frightening and a little amusing.

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