Friday, December 31, 2010
Going out with a Bang
15 weeks and counting, at my last ultrasound the little bean was 6 cm long and had a heartbeat of 151. Also, all my pre-screening tests for Downs etc came back negative. So everyone's healthy. I'm so hormonal I cry at least once a day for absolutely nothing or absolutely everything. Hunter dried my sweater, cue the water works. Robert rides his bike, hand me a kleenex. I figure all these hormones are a sign I am having a girl..but who knows.
Getting rid of Ethan's pacifier, working on Robert's self many lessons learned in a week and a half out of school. Mostly, that I am not cut out for homeschooling and eternally grateful for second grade teachers who manage Robert and 17 more just like him 5 days a week.
We have forgotten how to share, harassed and "loved" our brother half to death, practiced violin all of one time. Ethan and Robert both wake up asking for candy...literally they are not out of the bed yet and they ask me for it. Sugared up and t.v.ed out we are in desperate need of routines around here.
So tonight we'll break out the confetti, party hats and horns and then tomorrow we will clean up and start fresh. T.V. will be off, candy thrown out, many tears shed (by everyone) and ready or not 2011 here we come.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart..”
Luke 2:19
This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. I realize that may seem like an odd choice. It is probably not up there with John 3:16 or Phillipians 4:13 in the Christian Top Tens. I don’t recall ever memorizing it for a Bible drill. But, I love it. I love it because every mother in the world has done exactly this, thrilled at the first kick,counted fingers and toes, marveled at the miracle of new life. Luke, the physician, got this one just right. Even without heavenly hosts singing, exotic visitors from the Far East, and shephards showing up unexpectedly the birth of a baby brings much to treasure and ponder. I remember the first time I felt my unborn babies move, and the moment I heard their first cry.
I also love the expectation and promise this verse brings us. Advent is a time for treasuring and pondering the mystery of a coming Christ. God delivered joy, peace and light to all humanity through a teenage Mother in a stable. God is with us indeed. My goal for this Advent season is to treasure and ponder every moment I see Emmanuel in my family, in my church and in my community.
Dear God,
Thank you for the miracle of new life, and new life in Christ. Help us to treasure up and ponder all the moments that point us to the coming Christ in this season.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Hannah's Prayer
This week is the first Service of Hope and Remembrance. It will be held in the garden behind my office (see above) and I am so excited. Although I always held those little lives in my heart Hunter and I never had a way to mark their passing from this now we do. The service is Oct. 24th at 3:30...say a little prayer, send up a good thought for me and all the other mommies who don't have all of our children with us here but who remember them always.
I'll be sure to post afterwards and let you know how it goes.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Ethan is changing everyday, right now he is obsessed with "Mickey House" as he calls him. He repeats absolutely everything you say (watching our language a bit more these days). We haven't taken away the paci, but any day now I plan to do so. He loves it more than Robert did. Oh and he recognizes his letters, all of them...what 2 year old can do that?
Robert, that boy is gonna drive me to drink...This morning he started out the door to school with one of his sneakers falling off due to no laces. He had no idea where the laces were, how does that happen? He read a book with "500 facts" and "500 Questions and Answers" so we get a few of those each day. For example did you know that one U.S. president could write with both his right and left hand in two different languages simultaneously? Robert can't remember which president it was.
Both of my boys are so smart and kind and just make me smile every day. I feel beyond fortunate that I have spent so much time with them. My work makes me crazy sometimes and every now and then I consider going back to work for someone else...but being with them is so worth it. This week, I walked from my office to Robert's field trip and then back to work. Today Ethan and I walked all over downtown and then afterwards while he napped I saw a client. How much better could my work situation be?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
I've been reading like crazy. I discovered the Kindle app on my iphone so I have been going crazy buying books. Here's my recent reading list:
Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller (not on phone) he is soooo good!
Water for Elephants
Daily Bread (I'm digging Henri Nouwen)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Last Lie (crime novel by a psychologist)
Fragile (crime novel about a pyschologist)
The Slave Across the Street - a true story of a girl caught in human trafficking. I'm totally into this Modern Day Abolitionist movement by the way....
Your Whole Life Plan
The Me I Want to Be
No wonder I haven't blogged...I'm knitting a hat for Mae Garner...sweet baby girl of my friend Kim. Work is perking along. It's been a busy but couple of months. Next post will be all photos to verify how busy we've been.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
But I also think this phenomenon has as much or more to do with the fact that people really just want someone to listen to them. Think about it-when is the last time you were able to talk to someone without them interrupting, telling you their own stuff or generally flaking out. I feel very fortunate to have a few people in my life who will do that, more than one is like an embarrassment of riches.
Henri Nouwen said "The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in bereavement and grief who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face us with the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares." I hope you have someone who listens to you today. Even if its the social worker in line behind you at Publix. And I hope you have the chance to listen to someone you love today.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Starbucks coffee
My G-Mom's chicken and dumplings
Baby Magic lotion in the pink bottle
The way it smells after it rains in the summer
Pine Sol and Murphy's wood soap
Did you know that of your five senses the sense of smell is most closely connected to the part of your brain that files away memories? One of my favorite smells in the world is a box of new crayons....lots of memories coming flooding back every time I open a pack. But memory is a funny thing, sometimes we associate it with only good or only bad...the thing about new crayon smell is that it is the smell of possibility. Anything could happen when you show up for the first day of school, or pick out a cornflower blue crayon and put it to paper. (As an aside I plan to do some research on how they name those crayons. When I went to Sienna and saw the fields...they were exactly the color of Burnt Sienna in the box of 64)
We are full of possibilities around here these days. School is starting, work is changing, Ethan is doing something new everyday. Possibility also brings risk, always. And change brings loss. I I'm trying to focus on the possibility and not the risk, the change not the loss. But I am saying goodbye to a first grader and a newer more mature Robert bursting with creativity and personality. I'm selling changing tables and rockers and letting "Baby Ethan" grow up. I'm rethinking work and my commitments and making new priorities. All in all its wonderful and scary.
Hope you are scared out of your mind and thrilled at the possibility.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
"If you threw a party and invited everyone you knew...."
The rest of the day he spent preparing for what he was certain would be the party of the summer. He wrote a speech, picked out a "party hat" to wear. He swept out his play house and set the table with supplies. He planned to have a game of kick ball and music.
I agreed (reluctantly) to prepare popcorn and drinks for the party. I honestly thought it would be Robert, Kristen (who is here every day anyway) and maybe the little girl across the street....but at 7:02 Robert was outside waiting and he yelled "There are people coming" and sure enough there were. In all there were 11 guests, only a few siblings didn't come but every house with kids had at least one here. At the last minute I put out a few left over cupcakes to go with the water and popcorn...they were gone in minutes...After everyone socialized (Robert got too nervous to make his speech) they played kickball until the street lights came on and everyone had to go.
Robert kills me. What other seven year old could pull off an impromptu summer party for ten plus all because he dreamed it up one morning? I only wish he could have pulled off the speech. I heard him practicing it went like this "Fellow kids of Burton Manor we have gathered here for one party!! I'll have pictures up later today.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Hi Ho Hi Ho Off to work I go....
Friends and acquaintances frequently ask me "Don't you find it depressing to listen to other people's problems." And the answer is always "No." Actually, I feel privileged to see what they may never let others see and to walk through their joys and sorrows with them. I have one client who has been seeing me off and on for ten years, what an honor to get know her, to watch her grow and make positive changes. Most of my clients don't hang around for that long so I don't get to see their full arc, their story develop quite so much. Still, a lot can happen in three months, or three weeks or sometimes just an hour.
In other news Robert's braces may be off next week. Also next week he is begnning violin lessons. (His Gigi is soooo happy!) Ethan is 22 months and throws these amazing tantrums where he flings his body to the floor and screams "Not Nice" which could either be describing his own behavior or mine. Then he stops very calmly and looks around to make sure we see him, when he catches our eye he starts again full throttle. It is a little frightening and a little amusing.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Blueberry Hill
These were taken at a place nearby called (I kid you not) Blueberry Hill where you pick your own blueberries. We've been twice in the last week. Both boys love it, its hot and dirty but sooo much fun. Now I need a recipe for blueberry muffins. Other discoveries this summer include, the Village Clocksmith. He has an office in the same area as mine and Robert has been begging to visit, it was worth the wait. The "Clock Doc" repairs clocks and builds them...he had a Lionel train clock that goes around on the hour. Also, Robert explored the Artesian Fountain near my office and found a rock shaped like a frog...heady stuff for a seven year old. He thinks he's the Lewis and Clark of Prattville.
Monday, June 21, 2010
8th grade plus 20 years equals fabulous
My 20th high school reunion was this past weekend. I loved seeing old friends and catching up, but the highlight was definitely the unoffical reunion of my elementary and middle school friends. Eleven of us graduated eighth grade together (yes we had an 8th grade graduation)...and over the last 24 years our lives have intersected in all sorts of surprising ways. Weddings, babies, funerals for most of my life at least one or two of that group were a part of them.
But it has been a long time since so many of us were in one place at one time. When I was a kid and I'd go to sleepover I'd want to stay awake as long as possible so I didn't miss one second with my friends. Then when everyone went home and the junkfood high had worn off I'd cry because it was over. That's how the last three days were for me.
I didn't know you could miss someone so much only when you'd found them. We laughed until I hurt, and I wanted to take them all home with me so I could remember everything about each of them, and how all of them shaped who I was and who I grew up to be.
Snehal taught me that patience and generosity are the source of real beauty...Andrea taught me to stand up for myself (even in graduate school she was helping me do that)...if you can be a genteleman at 11 years old Kareem was and he still is....Jen Mat helps me remember what I didn't know I forgot...and Ray taught me family is not always about who you're born to. I love them all.
I can only hope Robert and Ethan will find friends who mean so much to them.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Cookies, Kool-Aid, And Kumbaya
Things are a little more advanced for Robert with a giant screen showing a themed DVD of worship music, dramatic retelling of the day's Bible lesson and navigating the normally calm halls of church with 150 other kids. Even so its the simple joys Robert seems to remember, the craft he made out of popsicle sticks, the lesson that he doesn't have to be afarid because God is always with us...its not just Kool-aid, cookies and Kumbaya anymore but it is definitley part of our summer tradition and we're excited. If you need me this week I'll be on a VBS adventure, or sleeping it off in the afternoon.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
A photograph or a picture?
My baby boy is on the move

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Summer is a tricky time for we Humphreys. I want to do everything and nothing. I want to travel and work and keep Robert busy. But I also want to sleep late, lay out by the pool and skip house cleaning for about three months. We'll have to see what happens.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Drill Baby Drill
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Scooby Scooby Doo Where Are You?
Every year I swear it is going to be a simple affair, family only and maybe a couple of friends and every year it spirals out of reached its zenith when Robert turned three and his entire class plus siblings (about 20 kids altogether) showed up at our house and descended on the gymboree tumble bus thingy. That was the last party we had at the house I think...anyway this year we had just the right number of kids....and I bought everything Scooby Doo related..cake, goodies, etc. I want to be the Mom who makes a cake from scratch and crafts homemade takeaways months in advance,but that ain't happening. All in all it was a fun day. Even Ethan seemed to enjoy himself, he was full of cake and ice cream courtesy of the four grandparents and one Tia present.
In other news, Robert will portray Rainforest Tree # 2 in his class play on Tuesday. Ethan got a little trim of the bangs thanks to my talented friend Kim. Work is super slow right now (all the military families are getting ready to move). But I am thinking about doing a very specific kind of training in a few weeks which may prove to be beneficial. Hunter's work is super busy right now. My class reunion is mere weeks away and I am getting excited and a little nervous. That's about it.
Except that as I type God knows how much oil is seeping toward one of the places I love most on the earth...more about that when I get my head around it. I think I'll buy some shrimp for dinner though because it may be awhile before I get anymore.
Photos of the birthday bash and Ethan's first hair cut will be forthcoming.
What I'm reading : Finished The Help, Listening to South of Broad by Pat Conroy and reading Outcasts United by Warren St. John.
What I'm listening to : John Hiatt and Kids stuff (always)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Two Roberts
Monday, April 12, 2010
Career Day
What is your occupation? Not to be too obvious or anything, but Social Worker/Mommy
Do you have a uniform? Not unless you count the extra shirt I carry around for the inevitable grimy hand prints of peanut butter or unknown substances that wind up on my first one.
Did you have any special training or education for your job? Social Work, yes. Mommy, unfortunately no I'm like everyone else figuring it out as I go and hoping I don't screw up too badly.
What do you do in your job? I could write a book on this one. I feel compelled to start with what I don't do. I don't work for the state (never have) don't take kids out of homes, don't help anyone get on or off public assistance of any kind (unless you count the little old lady who misreads the ad in the phone book once a month and calls about her social security). I also don't do dishes or Hunter's laundry...a girl has to have boundaries. As for what I do... aside from managing a household, trying to be a thoughtful and effective parent... I would say in my paid job I help people figure out how to make their lives better. Sometimes its their marriage, sometimes its dealing with grief,sometimes its parenting. I hope and pray I do offer some small comfort to someone each day -whether its my son who got in a fight with his best friend, my husband who is stressed at work or a client who just lost their father. Some days my biggest and best accomplishment is to get green vegetables on the table, others its helping a wounded soul figure out to heal.
What do you like most about your job?
Its never ever boring, I get a ton of hugs, and I know I am doing what I was put here to do.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter people
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Palm Sunday
Matthew 21:9
“The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”“Hosanna in the highest!”
My oldest son Robert is made of pure energy. For example, he woke up at 6 a.m. this morning and by 6:15 he was literally running in circles and singing at the top of his lungs a song he’d just made up. All this was while I made breakfast on an average Monday morning. Robert loves church, he loves Jesus and he knows he wants to be his friend forever, but he really loves church. Unfortunately, his energy and my need for him to “behave” often make Sunday mornings less than joyful. There is lots of fidgeting and shushing and prompting and when he goes down for Children’s Moment I hold my breath and hope he doesn’t reveal some dreadful secret or inappropriate fact he learned on the History Channel.
But Palm Sunday is different. He lines up with all the other children in their new shoes and pastel shirts, clutches his Palm branch and for a few minutes he is free to shout and jump and generally express the joy he feels at being in church. I can’t help but think of the children in the first Palm Sunday processional. Caught up in the excitement of an impromptu parade and straining to see the man their parents have been speaking so passionately about. And then they see him and their joy is perfect. I think they recognized in him love and light and energy and a Messiah. Their joy could not be contained, “Hosanna in the highest!”
This Palm Sunday look for Robert his shirt will probably be untucked and he will certainly be loud. In his enthusiasm he may even whack another child with his wildly waving palm branch. But I will be smiling and trying to remember that church is supposed to be joyful and that he and all of his friends are teaching me something about my own faith.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
1. Opening day for Little League baseball complete with the national anthem, the mayor throwing out the first pitch and the kids throwing their hats in the air like they'd won the World Series.
2. Watching the air show from a picnic blanket at a place called (wait for it) Cooter's Pond.
3. All the kids in their prom dresses and tuxedoes taking pictures downtown by the fountain.
4. Having an impromptu cookout with our neighbors while the kids literally roam the neighborhood until the street lights come on.
Long live small Southern towns.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Baseball, bloody nose and fishing for jewels
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Spring Break and Jenvention 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010
My lenten practice is hard, but teaching me a lot. In the past I've given up chocolate or coffee etc. But this year I decided to eliminate unnecessary spending. Sooo much harder than I thought it would be. I have neither thought of myself as spending a lot of money, but the truth is that there are all kinds of things I waste money on.
The exercise in spiritual discipline has also made me think in a new way about coveting. I would never have thought I was someone who coveted, but that new handbag my girlfriend got is gorgeous and I really want one. I'm not jealous of her and don't plan on stealing it or anything, but there's a lot of energy that goes toward wanting something just because I want it.
I also realize I spend a lot on coffee , Grande decaf skinny mocha no whip extra foam actually. But I have only been to Starbucks twice since Lent started....I'm still drinking it @home, just not paying 4 bucks a pop for one. And I hardly even miss it, except everytime I pass it and when I am waiting in car pool pick up line, or when I am doing paperwork....actually I need to go to bed before I make another run tonight and mess up my whole Lent.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Spring Break
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
In other news, Robert has a crush. Last week he wrote an anonymous note to Kendall in his class. It said "Hello Kendall, I think you are funny." The next day he had to get to school early so he could put it on her desk before she arrived. Unfortunately he didn't beat her to school. So Robert decided to be bold and just give her the note in person. We always say that to Robert Life is not a spectator sport.